Thursday, August 15, 2013

Baby's growing up now

Tonight I am contemplating the last of my children as he grows up. Papa mushroom and I went to an open house at the preschool up the road. It's Montessori of course - would we seriously consider anything else? And thus begins my youngest child's journey away from babyhood. He'll be in preschool. He turns 3 in about a month. He's basically potty-trained (if you ignore the fact that he runs around half naked as a reminder to him to go to the bathroom). He speaks in very full, complete, sometimes overwhelming sentences. So I like to think that if he is ready, then so am I.

But he's my baby. This puts me in a whole different category of motherhood. I'm so used to being mommy to a child in diapers - soon I will be mom to four school aged boys. Don't even get me started on how the oldest starts middle school next year (actually this year, but because of the way the schools are arranged he still goes to the same building as his younger brothers). In three years I'll have a high school kid on my hands. Phew. Identity crisis coming up.

In other news, I have my official promise sent back to the National Stroke Association - and I've received my invitation from the NYRR (New York Road Runners) for my slot. I am hopeful that I will find the time to set up my fundraising page tomorrow. I have new ideas, so stay tuned.  This blog will be my sounding board for my ideas as I have them, But tonight it is too late, and I am too tired. Sleep is dragging down my eyelids as I type...zzz

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