Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Committed... and More Nervous Than Ever

Today I bought my plane tickets to New York City. For the Marathon. Not that I wasn't committed to this before - I signed the contract with the National Stroke Association for the spot on the marathon team. I've put out posters at Black Forest Auto, R&R Coffee, and my favorite LYS (local yarn store) Table Rock Llamas. I've been pushing, posting, talking, designing, and writing. And now I've got my plane tickets. It's real. I'm going.

My training is derailed on a weekly basis by sick kids, early or late meetings, family events... the list goes on. The last two weeks I've managed about 20 miles - which is nowhere near enough. I missed another planned run today, with the (internal) promise to double up tomorrow. I'll have time in the morning. This week should be a 34+ mile week. That's a big jump in mileage, but I'm running strong, and I think that I have still got time to pull it off. I'm going to try to get some shorter, speed work runs next week. I feel like I can push my pace up to closer to 10:30 minutes/mile if I work at it. I'm not going to get all crazy and hope for 10 minute miles. Slow and steady is my pace.

The race is just less than 10 weeks away.

In other news, tomorrow evening I'm having a 'daddy & me' date. We're going to see Sara Bareilles and One Republic play at Red Rocks. I absolutely love Sara's new album, particularly the song 'Brave', which always makes me think of all the things I want to accomplish in life - and that I should reach out and grab them. Like running in the New York City Marathon. I would never have gotten the chance if I hadn't spoken up and asked.

So here's to speaking your mind and seizing opportunities! And now I must sleep - because I'm running a half marathon in the morning. Visit my fundraising page and help me raise money for the National Stroke Association.

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